3:00 - 6:00 PM
2012 Board of Directors Retreat
6:30 - 8:00 PM
(guest tickets available for purchase during registration)
Registration Open
7:00 - 8:30 AM
Transformer Leadership Learning Community Breakfast
Mary Kay Chess, Ph.D. - for NCHN Leadership Learning Community participants only
7:30 - 8:15 AM
Networking Breakfast
Exhibits Open
8:30 - 9:00 AM
NCHN Annual Membership Meeting (Carolyn Witherspoon, NCHN President)
8:30 - 9:15 AM
HRSA Network Development Grantees Meeting
(Leticia Manning, HRSA) for ORHP Grantees only
9:00 - 9:15 AM
NCHN Board of Directors Meeting (Carolyn Witherspoon, NCHN President)
9:30 - 11:30 AM
By the end of this keynote presentation, conference participants will:
- Receive information that emphasizes the “how” behind collaboration concepts
- Learn the 10 Keys to creating a collaborative environment
- Be able to identify the five elements that impact collaboration
Crista F. Benavídez is an internationally recognized speaker specializing in interpersonal communication, and organizational learning. Her subject offerings include: conflict management, personality/behavior styles, communicating with difficult people, customer service, communication diversity, and effective teaming. She holds a Master of Arts degree, with Distinction, in Organizational Learning and Instructional Technologies and Bachelor of Arts degrees in Communication and Spanish from the University of New Mexico.
In 2011, the Pioneer Health Network Information Technology Roundtable identified the need for improving internal hospital communication through the use of local intranets. Nursing and ancillary departments have been requesting intranet functionality, but the small IT departments have been unable to accomplish it on their own so HospitalPortal was contacted.
11:45 AM - 1:15 PM
NCHN 4th Annual Awards Luncheon
1:30 - 3:00 PM
The healthcare industry is facing some of its most challenging times ever with financial constraints through decreased reimbursement, increased government regulation and a major drive for improved quality and outcomes. Networks can provide an important key of collaboration to help our members address these challenges.
In order for our networks to excel, we must have committed and active Board members. This session will focus on ways to achieve and maintain a committed and active Board. Attendees will learn about the experiences of the Southwest Idaho Community Health Network in working with its Board and get ideas of how to improve their Board participation and engagement.
Other NCHN Members: TBA
3:00 - 3:30 PM
3:30 - 5:00 PM
Network Best Practice Models & Resources for Health Networks
In 2009, the Sunflower Health Network developed a physician recruitment program for its members. The presentation will focus on the discussion and development of the program, the financial aspects, and the collaboration with medical schools and residency programs. Lessons learned will also be discussed.
Attendees will learn:
- Structure and development of a network physician recruitment program
- Financial considerations and potential model
- Challenges and tips to overcome challenges
Participants will:
- learn about mystery shopping
- receive examples of reporting instruments
- learn how to manage "Shoppers"
- have a model that they can implement for little to no cost to their Members
Learning Objectives:
1. Locate funding opportunities to provide health services
2. Calculate the economic impact of a health facility on the community
3. Identify free resources and model programs to assess and improve health networks
6:30 - 9:00 PM
Colorado Rockies Baseball Game at Coors Field
(guest tickets available for purchase during registration)
2012 President’s Breakfast
8:45 - 10:00 AM
Buzz Davis, Davis & Associates
Eric Buckland, Oregon Rural Health Care Quality Network, OR
Toniann Richard, Health Care Collaborative of Rural Missouri, MO

» about Buz
» about Eric
» about Toniann
» about Amy
Don't miss the sponsors!
10:30 - 11:50 AM
News from Washington, DC - Federal Update
HPSA (Rebecca Wilson, HRSA)
Flex Program and ORHP Update (Leticia Manning, ORHP)
12:00 - 1:00 PM
Networking Lunch
Roundtable Discussions, Best Practice Presentations Follow-Up
1:15 - 2:15 PM
Concurrent Sessions
Do you work with people? Do you manage a budget? Do you have to work within a budget? Then this negotiating skills session is for you. Whether you work with hospitals, physicians, departments, inside and/or outside vendors or insurance companies, this session will help you identify your position and teach you how to communicate that position in order to lower cost by negotiating greater discounts from vendors, better reimbursement from payers or even justify your budget.
By attending this presentation, participants will learn:
1) What is negotiation / what is NOT negotiation?
2) Who negotiates?
3) What is the result of a successful negotiation?
4) What leads to a successful negotiation?
5) What is leverage?
6) How is leverage utilized in negotiation?
7) What is your goal?
8) What is your position?
9) How to identify your position
10) Communicating your position
11) What is THEIR position
12) Analysis of their position
13) Arriving at a joint position
14) Going Forward.
Attendees will learn about sustainable programs developed by Western Healthcare Alliance, with particular focus on peer networks and the ROI their members have realized.
2:15 - 2:30 PM
2:30 - 3:30 PM
Concurrent Sessions

HCC Has A Strong Mission: To provide leadership in securing comprehensive services across the continuum of care through collaborations with our network partners. We will present on the successes of our integrated network and share the tools we have used to achieve success over the last seven years.
With help from our Members, Executive Director and Executive Board, we've established a set of goals and objectives designed to lead the constituents we serve in securing continuum of care services throughout Lafayette County and surrounding areas. Additionally, these goals and objectives are the benchmark by which Lafayette County's success, and ours, will be measured. They include: Monitoring the availability and delivery of health care services, Ensuring that all residents are informed about available health and wellness services, Advocating for the individual, care provider and making an institutional commitment to the health of our citizens, Holding Lafayette County accountable for its commitment to the health of our citizens, Providing a unified voice for Lafayette County that will address health needs with agencies and governmental entities beyond our boundaries. We will meet these goals and objectives through the many voices that speak to us regarding their health needs, the right and responsibility of quality health, a systems approach to quality, holistic health care, accessible, equitable and quality health care services, a commitment to health education to improve mind, body and spirit,
the promotion of personal and organizational health care achievements, collaborations with those who share our values and goals, a pursuit of constructive change and innovation.
Terry Hill, National Rural Health Resource Center
Sally Trnka, National Rural Health Resource Center
Jack King, Northcentral Montana Health Alliance

All rural health care facilities are faced with the enormous task of implementing electronic medical records in their facilities, and networks are perfectly positioned to support them with their implementation and attestation. While networks do not have to add an entirely new service line to provide this support, there are several strategies that can be executed at low-cost and low-energy that will provide significant value to the members.
This presentation will provide attendees with a snapshot of what the 40 federally funded Rural Health Information Technology Network Development Grantees are working on. Additionally, the presentation will feature a panel of rural network directors who are currently working to support their members with their HIT needs and participants will learn how they can best provide support to their members. Tools and resources will be provided. Presenters will also discuss how offering this type of support can add to the value statement of the network.
» about Terry
» about Sally
» about Jack
» about Tim
3:45 - 5:00 PM
Plenary Session

Carolyn Bruce, Scot Mitchell, and Jessica Taylor, Western Healthcare Alliance, CO
What are sustainable networks accomplished at? At the very least they have knowledgeable, visionary and respected leadership. They have board members who are dedicated to the success of the network and experienced in the appropriate roles of governance. Their value-added programs are well-received and utilized by their member organizations. Their financial strength is supported by steady streams of revenue and efficient operations.
Quit the worrying and move into action. In this session, you will learn key ideas and concepts of the self-sustainable network to put into place immediately upon your return into the office.
6:00 - 8:00 PM
NRHA Exhibit Hall Reception at the Hyatt Regency Denver @ 650 15th Street
Networking Breakfast
8:00 - 9:30 AM
Welcome to 35th NRHA Annual Conference
Keynote Speaker: TR Reid, Author, Lecturer
Reid has written several books, including the 2009 New York Times-bestseller, The Healing of America: A Global Quest for Better, Cheaper, and Fairer Health Care.
(1 block from The Curtis @ Hyatt Regency Denver at Colorado Convention Center)
10:00 - 11:00 AM

11:00 - 11:15 AM
Closing of NCHN Conference/Door Prizes
11:30 AM - 12:20 PM
HRSA Network Development Grantees Meeting for ORHP Grantees only
Past Conference Reviews
Our Sponsors