National Cooperative of Health Networks: Serving Health Networks since 1995

Exhibitor, Sponsor, and Advertiser Application Form

  • All applicants must complete the form and mail payment by March 31, 2011.
  • Please enter the information below as you would like for it to appear on the Conference website and in the Program.

Organization *
Name of Primary Representative *
Booth Representative 2:
Booth Representative 3:
Email *
Phone Number *

Fax Number

Mailing Address *

Street Address

Address Line 2


State / Province / Region

Postal / Zip Code


Information for the Website and Conference Program

All opportunities include logo and acknowledgement in the Conference program and Conference Web site
Description of your Organization/Service (as you would like to have it listed on the Conference Website and Program): *
NCHN reserves the option to edit your description if it exceeds available space on the website or conference program (Recommended: 250 words or less).
Optional: Upload your organization's logo (1 MB max)


Select your Exhibitor Category below. Also include the number of tickets needed for the Monday Night Networking event.
Exhibitor Level Exhibitor Category Exhibit Fee Registration Fee Total
 For Profit Vendor
$800 $250 $1050
 Not-for-Profit Vendor $500 $250 $750
 NCHN Member Business Partner Free $500 $500
 NCHN Gold Business Partner Free $125 $125
 NCHN Silver Business Partner  $250 $250 $500
I prefer a booth next to [name of organization]:
Optional: Please let us know if you prefer to have your booth located next to or near a specific organization.
Number of Guest Tickets for Monday Night Networking/Entertainment Event ($65/guest):


Select your preferred sponsorship level below. Sponsors are accepted on a first come, first served basis. If a sponsor has already selected your sponsorship event, we will contact you by phone to arrange an alternate event or a refund.
Sponsorship Opportunities
 Conference USB Flash Drive: $3,500 
 Conference Tote Bag: $2,000 
 Sunday Evening Opening Reception: $1,750 
 Monday Awards Luncheon: $2,000 
 Monday Night Networking Event/Dinner: $1,750 
 Tuesday Networking Lunch: $1,500 
 Wednesday Closing Luncheon: $1,500 
 Tuesday Breakfast: $750 
 President's Breakfast (Wednesday): $1,500 
 Beverage Break: $500/break 
Optional (for Beverage Break Sponsors):
Preferences for Breaks are accommodated on a first come, first served basis
 Monday Afternoon 
 Tuesday Morning 
 Tuesday Afternoon 
 Wednesday Afternoon 


Advertising opportunities are available in the Official 17th Annual Conference Program. Art work must be high-resolution (300 dpi jpg,pdf, ai, psd) and emailed to no later than March 31, 2011.
Conference Program Advertisement (Full Color):
 Full Page: $800 
 Half (1/2) Page: $450 
 Quarter (1/4) Page: $250 


Check must be received before NCHN can consider your application. Mail payment by March 31, 2011 to:

NCHN (National Cooperative of Health Networks Association)
a/o Rebecca J. Davis
400 S. Main Street
Hardinsburg, KY 40143

Enter the dollar amounts in whole numbers (without decimals).

a. Exhibitor/Sponsor/Advertiser Amount= * $ (Enter Total from above)
b. Exhibitors Only: Registration Fee for Additional Booth Representatives= $ ($250 x Number of Representatives in Addition to the Primary Representative)
c. Monday Evening Networking Event Tickets ($65 x Number of Guests)= $ ($65 X Number of Guest Tickets, if applicable
Total Amount (a+b+c)= * $
Check Number
Billing Address *

Street Address

Address Line 2


State / Province / Region

Postal / Zip Code

Note: By providing your contact information, you authorize the National Cooperative of Health Networks to communicate with you regarding event information and to process your registration.

Terms & Cancellation

Note: Full payment must accompany an application for Exhibit space or Sponsorship. Booth assignment will not be made without receipt of payment. Cancellation of exhibit space or sponsorship must be received by the National Cooperative of Health Networks prior to April 1, 2011, to receive a refund (minus a $50 administrative fee).

Advertising cancellations must be received prior to March 15, 2011 to receive a refund (minus a $50 administrative fee).
Terms & Cancellation *
 I have read and understand the terms and the cancellation policy above. 
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Site Map

Conference Home | Schedule of Events | Hotel & Travel For Attendees: Who Should Attend? | Register to Attend | Make Hotel Reservations
For Exhibitors: Exhibitor Application | Planning your trip For Presenters: Submit a Proposal | Submit your Bio and Presentation | Register
Contact Us | NCHN Home

Copyright © 2005-2011 National Cooperative of Health Networks Assovciation, Inc.