April 17, 2012 |
This issue's highlights:
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2012 Award Recipients Announced
Congratulations to the 2012 NCHN Award Winners:
- New and Emerging Network Leader of the Year: Toniann Richard
- Outstanding Network Leader of the Year: Jack King
- Outstanding Network of the Year: The Hospital Cooperative
- Friend of the Association: National Rural Health Association
Left: Toniann Richard, Executive Director, Health Care Coalition of Rural
Missouri, receives the 2012 Outstanding New & Emerging Network Leader of the
Year Award.
The Outstanding New & Emerging Network Leader Award recognizes
extraordinary leadership activities demonstrated by a new network leader/director
in the field of health networks (network leader less than five years).
Right: Jack King, Executive Director of Northern Montana Health Alliance accepts
the 2012 Outstanding Network Leader of the Year award.
The Outstanding Network Leader of the Year Award recognizes a network leader/director for leadership in managing a successful health network organization.
Left: Jon Smith, Executive Director, accepts the
2012 Outstanding Health Network of the Year on behalf of The Hospital Cooperative
The Outstanding Health Network of the Year Award recognizes
any network or entire network organization that has improved access to health
services in its service area and coordination of resources for network members
through innovative, comprehensive approaches.
Right: Alan Morgan, CEO, accepts the 2012 Friend of NCHN award on behalf of
National Rural Health Association (NRHA)
The Friend of NCHN Award is given to recognize a program, institution, agency, or individual that has advocated for or provided extraordinary support to the Association. Associate members are eligible to recieve the Frend of NCHN award.
Visit NCHN's Facebook for more Conference and Award photos.
For more information about categories and past award winners, visit the Awards page.

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from trickyriddles.com
So you are walking through the snowing cold outside. You have no where to live but you come to this little cabin. You have a stove a fireplace and a candle. You only have one match, which one do you light first?
18th NCHN Annual Conference Underway
Left: Crista Benevidez, Keynote Speaker, discusses collaboration strategies
at the opening of the 2012 Conference.
The 18th NCHN Annual Conference has opened in Denver with over 120 attendees,
sponsors, and speakers participating.
During the Annual Membership Meeting on Monday, the NCHN membership elected
four new Board Members and 2012-2013 Board Officers. New directors include
the following: Brendan Ashby, Executive Director of Northeast Minnesota AHEC's
mnHEALTHnet; Dave Johnson, Director of Member Relations and Business Development
with Rural Wisconsin Health Cooperative; Darcy Czarnik Laurin, Executive Director
of Thumb Rural Health Network; and Toniann Richard, Executive Director of Health
Care Collaborative of Rural Missouri.
2012 - 2013 NCHN Board of Directors
Heather Fuller (KS), President
Chris Hopkins (MT), Vice President
Jon Smith (ID), Treasurer
Tara Cramer (GA), Secretary
Carolyn Witherspoon (TX), Immediate Past President
Brendan Ashby (MN)
Dave Johnson (WI)
Jack King (MT)
Darcy Czarnik Laurin (MI)
Toniann Richard (MO)
Steve Stoddard (ID)

Pictured (left to right): Participants who completed the 1st year of the NCHN
Transformer Leadership Learning Community - Carolyn Witherspoon, Rebecca
Davis, Heather Fuller, Tara Cramer, Mary Adam, Sally Trnka, Chris Hopkins,
Toniann Richard, Dave Johnson, Deena Dodd, and Mary Kay Chess
The 1st year of the NCHN Transformer Leadership Learning
Community came to a
close Monday morning with a final session presented by Dr. Mary Kay Chess.
Nine participants completed the program, which included 8 leadership-oriented
modules and corresponding monthly conference calls. Congratulations to the
following who completed the 1st year of the NCHN Transformer Leadership Learning
- Mary Adam
- Tara Cramer
- Deena Dodd
- Chris Hopkins
- Dave Johnson
- Toniann Richard
- Sally Trnka
- Carolyn Witherspoon
Upcoming NCHN Calls & Events
Online Evaluation for 2012 Conference
opens April 19
closed May 4
2012 Annual Conference Planning Committee Close-out Call
Tuesday, May 8 @ 2:00 PM ET
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Giles Free Clinic receives Rural Health Outreach Grant
April 10, 2012 - The Giles Free Clinic (Giles County Health Network, VA) has received an Outreach Grant to fund a non-emergency medical transportation system for the uninsured in Giles County. The Giles Health Network was instrumental in the application and will be highly involved in the implementation of the program.
Congratulations to Giles Free Clinic and Michelle Brauns, Executive Director.
RWHC Leadership Insights Newsletter: Blind Spots
by Jo Anne Preston, RWHC Workforce & Organizational Development Manager
April 2012 (Issue 25 | LEADERSHIP insights) - It’s time for my performance review, and I wonder if I see
myself at all accurately. One good thing about data (such
as customer ratings, revenue generated or number of
programs delivered compared to goal) is that it provides an
objective, impersonal metric – and a good case for setting
SMART goals so you can know if you reached them. But
when asked to self assess on more subjective qualities
(like commitment to excellence, interpersonal influence,
positive impact on culture), it makes me wonder if many of
us might have blind spots. Maybe we get a little too puffed
up about our strengths, or the opposite, are too hard on
ourselves to see the value that we bring.
Many arrive in the manager role as a result of a series
of successes. It has been said that those who have
experienced much success can often struggle the most
when they do fail or fall short. Unaccustomed to missing
the mark, it isn’t always handled well when we do. It is easy
to either get defensive or take feedback personally and feel
hurt. And sometimes we are the last to know that these
reactions get in our way of being perceived as an effective
leader. But it’s in our best interest to have our blind spots
revealed so that we can continue to learn. Consider the
following suggestions to see yourself more clearly:
NRHA Annual Rural Health Conference
National Rural Health Association
April 17 - 20, 2012
Denver, CO
NRHA's Annual Rural Health Conference is the nation's largest rural health conference, created for all of those with an interest in rural health care, including rural health practitioners, hospital administrators, clinic directors and lay health workers, social workers, state and federal health employees, academics, community members and more.
Building Medical Home Neighborhoods through Community-Based Teams: Lessons and Updates from Three States with Emerging Programs
National Academy for State Health Policy
Webinar: April 18, 2012 @ 2:30 PM ET
Community-based teams can help medical home providers offer primary care that is coordinated, whole-person oriented, and integrated with local community resources. Nine states are now making payments to community-based practice support teams, and others are exploring possibilities for launching teams in the near future. Webcast attendees will hear from program leaders in Alabama, Michigan, and Minnesota about why they are enhancing their medical home programs with community-based teams. The speakers will also discuss program financing and how teams can help link medical homes to medical neighborhoods, especially to care for complex Medicaid enrollees.
Engaging Hired Farmworkers in Agricultural Health Research
AgriSafe Network
Webinar: April 18, 2012 | 12:00 - 1:00 PM CT
Presenter: Maria Stoecklin-Marios, PhD, MPH, MICASA Study Project Manager, Center for Health & the Environment, University of California, Davis
Rural Health Clinic (RHC) Technical Assistance Teleconference on RHC Accreditation
Conference Call: April 20, 2012 | 2:00 - 3:00 PM ET
On Friday, April 20th, the National Association of Rural Health Clinics (NARHC) will hold a technical assistance call on the new rural health clinic accreditation program that has been recognized by CMS.
HRSA Health IT and Quality Webinars
Continuity and Resiliency for Health IT Systems: Preparing for Unforeseen Events
April 27, 2012 @ 2:00 PM ET
Using Health IT for Care Coordination Across Inpatient and Outpatient Settings
May 18, 2012 @ 2:00 PM
Rural Health Open Door Forum
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services
Conference Call: April 24, 2012 |
2:00 - 3:00 PM ET
Dial: 800.837.1935
Conference ID: 52258250
Webinar: EMS Changes, Challenges and Opportunities under Healthcare Reform
Tritech Software Systems
April 24, 2012 @ 2:00 PM ET
Join Jay Fitch, PhD, of Fitch & Associates and TriTech Product Manager, Dan Voss as they provide both a consultant's and software developer's perspectives of the EMS Changes, Challenges and Opportunities under Healthcare Reform.
Webinar: EMS Changes, Challenges and Opportunities under Healthcare Reform
Tritech Software Systems
April 24, 2012 @ 2:00 PM ET
Join Jay Fitch, PhD, of Fitch & Associates and TriTech Product Manager, Dan Voss as they provide both a consultant's and software developer's perspectives of the EMS Changes, Challenges and Opportunities under Healthcare Reform.
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ORHP Announcement: FY 2012 Network Planning New Awards
April 11, 2012 (NIH.gov e-mail) - ORHP is pleased to announce 12 new Network Planning awards. The purpose of this program is to expand access to, coordinate and improve the quality of essential health care services and enhance the delivery of health care in rural areas. This program brings together key parts of a rural health care delivery system so they can work together to establish or improve local capacity and coordination of care, particularly those entities that may not have collaborated in the past. If you have further questions about this program, please contact Eileen Holloran, eholloran@hrsa.gov or Sheila Warren, swarren@hrsa.gov
Maui Memorial Medical Center: Wailuku, HI
BMH, Inc: Blackfoot, ID
Cumberland Family Medical Center: Burkesville, KY
Montgomery County Kentucky Health Department: Mount Sterling, KY
Chippewa Medical Control Authority: Sault Sainte Marie, MI
Randolph County Caring Community Partnership: Moberly, MO
Region 3 Behavioral Health Services: Kearney, NE
Providence Medical Center: Wayne, NE
Hidalgo Medical Services: Lordsburg, NM
Allendale County Hospital: Fairfax, SC
Delta Dental Plan of South Dakota: Pierre, SD
Southern Utah University: Cedar City, UT
More Spectrum, Better Health
by Alan Morgan
April 13, 2012 (Daily Yonder) - For people who live in rural areas, traveling considerable distances may be a necessity for work, shopping, school and health care.
The distance may be an inconvenience at times, but it is an acceptable tradeoff for the benefits of rural life. But when it comes to health care, distance can be a matter of life and death.
Technology is helping to bridge that gap. High-speed wireless access is the most groundbreaking development in decades for rural health. It allows patients and their doctors to connect remotely, exchange vital health information and conduct real-time video consultations.
CMS announces 27 Accountable Care Organizations
April 11, 2012 (Nurse.com) - The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services announced the selection of 27 new Accountable Care Organizations, groups of physicians, hospitals and other healthcare providers that work together to improve care for Medicare beneficiaries.
The providers in an ACO take responsibility for the quality of care furnished to people with Medicare in return for the opportunity to share in savings realized through improved care. Participation in an ACO is voluntary for providers and beneficiaries, and beneficiaries retain their ability to seek treatment from any provider they choose.
More on ACOs
• Book Excerpt: Are You Ready for an ACO Environment? (HealthLeaders Media, April 12, 2012)
Recruitment of Sites for Assignment of Corps Personnel Obligated Under the National Health Service Corps Scholarship Program
April 13, 2012 (The Federal Register) - The Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) announces that the listing of entities, and their Health Professional Shortage Area (HPSA) scores, that will receive priority for the assignment of National Health Service Corps (NHSC) scholarship recipients (Corps Personnel, Corps members) during the period July 1, 2012, through June 30, 2013, is posted on the NHSC Web site.
More from The Federal Register
• Changes to the Medicare Advantage and the Medicare Prescription Drug Benefit Programs for Contract Year 2013 and Other Changes (April 12, 2012)
Getting Older, County by County by Bo Beaulieu, Monica Rosas, and Roberto Gallardo
April 11, 2012 (Daily Yonder) - The median age of most every U.S. county is growing older. But rural counties have the oldest median age — and the gap between rural and urban counties is growing.
Not only is the world population growing, it's graying. The United Nations reported last fall that the world’s population reached 7 billion people. But at the same time, fertility rates are dropping globally while the baby-boomer generation is growing older each year. According to some economists, this aging of the population poses real economic threats. In fact, some argue that Europe’s current crisis is not only financial but also demographic, since economic growth is harder to achieve due to a decline in the number of young adults entering the labor force.
Primary care and public health encouraged to work together
by Christine S. Moyer
April 11, 2012 (amednews.com) - The nation’s health probably would improve if primary care and public health were better integrated, says an Institute of Medicine report.
Such integration should include health professionals sharing and collaboratively using data, asking the community to help define its medical needs and pursuing a shared goal of improving the population’s health, said the report, issued on March 28...
Rural doctors could get a booster
by Amritha Alladi
April 10, 2012 (The News Star) - Since 2009, Dr. Georgianna Burns has been providing care to premature babies of residents in the Sterlington area.
Burns chose to shift to a rural area because the job opportunity presented itself, and she felt it her duty as a physician to address rural health needs.
As the only pediatrician at her clinic, Ouachita Family Medicine, Burns said she has filled a gap in care. Her pediatric services also are specialized in ADHD and dyslexia screening, which wasn't previously available to residents in that area.
Next generation of doctors sees gloomy future
April 11, 2012 (The Chicago Tribune) - A majority of young doctors feel pessimistic about the future of the U.S. healthcare system, with the new healthcare law cited as the main reason, according to a survey released to Reuters on Wednesday.
Nearly half of the 500 doctors surveyed think the Affordable Care Act, President Barack Obama's signature domestic policy achievement, will have a negative effect on their practices, compared with 23 percent who think it will be positive.
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US Department of Labor's OSHA Seeks Applications for $1.2 Million in Susan Harwood Safety and Health Training Grants
April 9, 2012 (RAConline.org) - The U.S. Department of Labor's Occupational Safety and Health Administration is soliciting applications under the Susan Harwood Training Grant Program to fund training for workers and employers in recognizing workplace hazards and control measures, and understanding their rights and responsibilities. A total of $1.2 million is available to nonprofit, community and faith-based organizations; employer associations; labor unions; joint labor/management associations; and colleges and universities.
"The Department of Labor is committed to ensuring that workers and employers are fully aware of health and safety hazards, and how they can be prevented," said Secretary of Labor Hilda L. Solis. "The programs funded by these grants will supply hard-to-reach workers, small businesses and those in high-hazard industries with the knowledge and tools they need to support safe and healthful workplaces."
Two types of safety and health training grants will be awarded through this announcement: targeted topic training grants, and training and educational materials development grants.
Applications are due by May 17, 2012.
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National Cooperative of Health Networks
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or contact Christy Sullenberger at csullenberger@nchn.org