Interview with Retiring HRSA Public Health Analyst and Program Director Eileen Holloran
Pictured Left: Eileen Holloran (left) with 2011 NCHN President Carolyn Witherspoon (right) at the 2011 NCHN Leadership Summit in Kansas City, KS
July 31, 2012 - Many of you know Eileen Holloran through her work with ORHP. As Network Planning Program Coordinator and Project Officer with HRSA's Community Based Division, she has worked with networks for years to oversee planning grants and facilitate network tasks. She has attended numerous NCHN events and has supported NCHN's work in variable ways. Eileen Holloran will be retiring today, after being with the Office of Rural Health Policy since its creation in 1987. We took this opportunity to ask about her thoughts on the future of health networks, their value, and her parting advice for network leaders. Enjoy!
NCHN: Over the years, you have worked extensively with health networks. In your work with health networks, how have you seen their work develop and change?
Eileen: The organizations making up the networks have become more sophisticated and are finding better ways to communicate, exchange ideas and work together to iron out the overlap and problem issues.
NCHN: How do you think the future role of health networks will grow and change?
Eileen: I think the networks in rural areas will grow and healthcare providers will become more aware of the need to collaborate to improve the bottom line of their organizations. Also they will recognize how the collaboration works to improve the financial status of their communities. The networks will help keep good, quality healthcare in their communities. I think there will be more dependence on Telemedicine and using urban experts to help in diagnoses and treatment options.
NCHN: You have attended a few NCHN events and we appreciate your support. We even spent your 2011 birthday with you in Kansas City! What event/s did you find most memorable or valuable for grantees and why?
Eileen: The Network Planning grantees seemed to get the most value of having the experienced network directors present the trials and tribulations they went through while formalizing their networks. They also appreciated the information on how to problem solve with members that weren’t totally on board. And, although I was surprised, all the grantees were impressed by Heman’s presentation on Board Structure, By-Law development and Meeting Management. I was concerned the subject matter was too involved for the newly forming networks.
NCHN: What, if any, research or data do you see lacking in the health network realm and what kind of information do you think would be valuable in pushing the role of networks to the next level?
Eileen: I am not sure it can be done but I think if you could determine what mix of organizations work best together. That being said, it is obvious that it is the devoted people around the table that are the most important element in success of any endeavor.
NCHN: What are your retirement plans? Any plans to travel? Will you continue your involvement with healthcare and with health networks?
Eileen: In the beginning I am just going to appreciate not having to get up and out the door early every morning and not having to meet any deadlines. My youngest son is getting married in September so I am not planning anything until after the wedding, but I will travel and find other opportunities to keep learning and my mind active. I know I will go back to work part time, but I am not sure of what type of work I will do. If I am called on to be a reviewer, I would love to continue to work in rural health.
NCHN: Finally, if you could sum up all of your years of experience at HRSA in one final bit of advice for health networks, what would that advice be?
Eileen: Keep trying. Even if the first network falls apart keep going and find others that will be willing to help you grow. Most importantly, pick the right people.
Reserve your Room for the 2012 Leadership Summit
The 2012 NCHN Leadership Summit will be held in Kansas City on September 25th. The deadline to make your hotel reservations to receive the discounted NCHN rate is August 31, 2012.
1 East Pershing Road
Kansas City, KS 64108
$125.00/night + tax (single/double)
Reservation Deadline
August 31, 2012
August Coffee/Tea Chat – August 15th at 12:00 PM ET
Plan to grab your coffee or tea, get comfortable, and join your colleagues for a one hour invigorating conversation. A number of these one-hour topics have focused on a particular issue critical to leading our diverse networks. And, in this session, we encourage any and all ideas! Our "special topic" with Dr. Chess will be:
What's on your mind?
At this time of year, community and board members are getting back from vacation, the summer break is coming to a close, and it is time to move back into more regular meetings and conversations. This will be an opportunity to connect with your colleagues, share questions and suggestions and celebrate the end of summer together!
Rebecca and Mary Kay look forward to another lively exchange of opportunities on Wednesday, August 15th at noon (ET). See you then.
Call in details were shared in a recent Save the Date mailing and are also posted on the NCHN on-line forum, which you can access it at
NCHN Welcomed a New Member this Month
Please join the Board in welcoming NCHN's newest members: Jeanne Moffat, Network Director of Western Kansas Frontier Information Network, Dawn Wichmann, former director of Lakelands Rural Health Network, and Shannon Calhoun, Executive Director of Southeast Texas Health System (SeTHS).
Please join the Board in welcoming Stacie Pace with Southeast Oklahoma Rural Health Network, Inc. as NCHN's newest network member.
Southeast Oklahoma Rural Health Network was founded in 2008 and its mission is "to work collaboratively with healthcare and community organizations to improve the health of rural Oklahomans." It has 7 network members and its programs include HIT and reaching Meaningful Use, shared IT services, HIE, and a Telemedicine network. SORHN Contact
Stacie Pace, Director/CEO
NCHN's Launched Its New Website
The new NCHN website went live on Tuesday, July 10th. All network members should have received an email last week which included their new login credentials and an incentive to complete their network profiles. Those who complete their profile by Wednesday, July 18th, will receive a $10 credit toward a 2013 Conference Registration. And those who were on the last quarterly membership call have a chance to win a 50% discount on their 2013 conference registration.
You can go to the NCHN Member Map to view network profiles. For members who are logged in, we will also be adding a link to View All Members so that you can view the list of network members, rather than clicking on the map or specialization. Keep an eye out for this in the next week or so.
If you have any questions about the new site, please contact Christy.
Congratulations to Jon Smith (The Hospital Cooperative, ID), who won a drawing for a 50% registration discount to the 2013 NCHN Conference in New Orleans. Jon Smith was entered into the special drawing for who had participated on the June 7th Quarterly Membership Call and completed their network profile for the new site within 2 weeks of going live.
Each of these networks updated their profile and will receive a $10 credit on their 2013 conference registration.
Upcoming NCHN Calls & Events
2013 Awards Committee Call
Tuesday, July 31 @ 12:30 PM ET
RHNR Consulting Task Force Call
Wednesday, August 1 @ 12:00 PM ET
Wednesday, August 22 @ 12:00 PM ET
Leadership Summit Committee Call
Monday, August 6 @ 3:00 PM ET
Monday, August 13 @ 3:00 PM ET
NCHN Orientation Call (Registration Required)
Wednesday, August 8 @ 3:00 PM ET (Register)
Thursday, September 6 @ 1:00 PM ET (Register)
Dues Structure Task Force Call
Tuesday, August 14 @ 11:00 AM ET
Coffee/Tea Chat with Dr. Mary Kay Chess
Wednesday, August 15 @ 12:00 PM ET
Wednesday, September 12 @ 12:00 PM ET
Business Partner Committee Call
Wednesday, August 15 @ 1:00 PM ET
Board of Directors Call
Monday, August 20 @ 2:00 PM ET
Program Development Committee Call
Tuesday, August 21 @ 1:00 PM ET
Tuesday, September 11 @ 1:00 PM ET
2013 Conference Planning Committee Call
Tuesday, August 28 @ 2:00 PM ET
Tuesday, September 11 @ 2:00 PM ET
2012 Leadership Summit
Tuesday, September 25
Reserve your room by August 31st to receive the NCHN rate