Automatic Budget Cuts Will Reduce Medicare Payments To Doctors, Providers By $11 Billion
by Mary Agnes Carey
September 14, 2012 (Kaiser Health News) - Medicare providers would see reductions of about $11 billion beginning in January as part of series of automatic spending cuts set to begin next year unless Congress acts to halt them, according to estimates released Friday by the White House Office of Management and Budget.
Hospital and Health System Strategy in 2012: 6 Key Initiatives by Sabrina Rodak
September 11, 2012 (Becker's Hospital Review) - To meet goals of improved quality and reduced costs in today's changing healthcare environment, hospitals are being forced to be creative and flexible in their strategies. As part of the transformation to value-based care, many hospitals are beginning to focus strategies on population health management, one of the core goals of healthcare reform. Managing population health will require close relationships with physicians, partnerships with organizations in the community and expansion into preventative and outpatient care. Here are six key strategies forward-thinking hospitals and health systems are using to achieve population health management and other quality and cost goals.
Back to Basics: Understanding the 5 Performance Dimensions of Lean in Healthcare
by Sabrina Rodak
September 5, 2012 (Becker's Hospital Review) - Lean process improvement is becoming a popular method for hospitals looking to streamline processes, reduce costs and improve quality. While the general principles of Lean management are increasing value and eliminating waste, Lean has five performance measures hospitals should be aware of to best leverage this strategy. Marc Hafer, CEO of Lean transformation company Simpler Consulting, explains the five key performance dimensions of Lean.
3 things you must know about how your audience is using technology
September 12, 2012 (Katya's Non-Profit Marketing Blog) - Today I call your attention to a fantastic presentation by Google via SocialFish. It shows how consumers seamlessly shift among devices throughout the day - which is critical for those of us in nonprofit marketing and fundraising to understand. It is well worth your time and attention, so I’m including it in this post.
Don’t have time to flip through the whole deck below? Then here are three critical take-aways for nonprofits, in my opinion:
Agriculture Secretary Vilsack Announces Funding to Create Jobs and Improve Rural Water Systems
September 14, 2012 ( > Online Library > News) - Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack today announced funding for rural water projects to create jobs and improve rural water and wastewater systems in 16 states.
"These improvements to rural water infrastructure will provide reliable access to clean water, improving public health while creating jobs that strengthen rural economies." Vilsack said. "The Obama Administration is working to support creation of a vibrant, sustainable rural America and clean water is a basic necessity for the health and economic growth of our rural communities."
ASPR Twitter challenge sparks innovation in tracking local health trends
New web-based app leverages Twitter for real-time early warning of disease outbreaks
September 13, 2012 (HHS News Release) - Local public health officials can use a free new Web-based application, MappyHealth Exit disclaimer icon, to track health concerns in real time in their communities using Twitter, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Office of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response (ASPR) announced today. MappyHealth is the winning submission of 33 applicants in a developers’ challenge, “Now Trending: #Health in My Community,” sponsored by ASPR. Health officials can use data they gain through the app to complement other health surveillance systems in identifying emerging health issues and as an early warning of possible public health emergencies in a community.
Rural Border Health Chartbook
September 12, 2012 (South Carolina Rural Health Research Center) - Our chartbook adds to existing knowledge regarding conditions in the border region by examining potential geographic and ethnic disparities among U.S. border residents. Our chartbook describes select indicators related to access to care, women's preventive services, oral health, infectious and communicable diseases and mental health that have been previously identified as serious disparities warranting programmatic and policy interventions. We examine these issues among residents of the four border states, Arizona, California, New Mexico, and Texas, comparing indicators by ethnicity (Hispanic vs. non-Hispanic), rurality (rural vs. urban), and proximity to border (border vs. non-border). Our findings should be useful in educating public health officials, policymakers and intervening organizations such as the United States Border Health Commission, the Office of Rural Health Policy, and the National Rural Health Association.
Rural Health Training and Education Initiative (RHTI) Sites Announced
September 12, 2012 (US Department of Veterans Affairs) - Both the Office of Rural Health and the Office of Academic Affiliations have worked hand-in-hand over the past several months to ensure due diligence in selecting the most qualified sites to develop and implement the Rural Health Training and Education Initiative. After a thorough application review process and interviews with the top five finalists, the five funded sites, for three fiscal years, have been announced and brief details of the sites are as follows:
Veterans in rural areas to get expanded access to health care
September 12, 2012 (HHS News Release) - Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Kathleen Sebelius and Secretary of Veterans Affairs (VA) Eric K. Shinseki today announced a joint effort to expand health care delivery to veterans living in rural areas. The agreement between the two agencies promotes collaboration between VA facilities and private hospitals and clinics, and is supported by $983,100 in grants to improve access and coordination of care through telehealth and health information exchanges in rural areas.
Now is the Time for Meaningful Use!
by Dr. Farzad Mostashari, Mat Kendall, and Robert Tagalicod
September 12, 2012 (HealthIT Buzz) - Recognizing the need to strike a balance between the urgency of modernizing our health care system and the pace of change that can be absorbed by providers and health IT vendors, CMS and ONC have implemented the Medicare and Medicaid Electronic Health Record (EHR) Incentive Programs in three stages, with each stage adding increased functionality and advanced concepts designed to improve patient care, enhance care coordination, and increase patient and family engagement. Released in July 2010, the final rules for Stage 1 focus on functionalities that support the electronic capture of data and allow patients to receive electronic copies of their own health record.
It’s important that providers take the steps now to register for the EHR Incentive Program on the CMS website. October 3, 2012, is the last day for eligible professionals who want to collect the maximum Medicare EHR incentive payment to begin their 90-day reporting period in 2012. Eligible professionals who wait until next year can still participate but will receive reduced incentives.
Update: Final Blueprint for Approval of Affordable State-based and State Partnership Insurance Exchanges
by Joel Teitelbaum
September 14, 2012 (HealthReform GPS) - The Affordable Care Act (ACA) establishes Affordable Insurance Exchanges, which are entities that facilitate the purchase of Qualified Health Plans (QHP) and provide for the establishment of the Small Business Health Options Program (SHOP). Previous GPS Implementation Briefs have covered these topics here and here.
On May 16, 2012, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) issued a Draft Blueprint for Approval of Affordable State-based and State Partnership Insurance Exchanges, which provided additional implementation information related to the final Exchange regulations issued by HHS in March 2012. On August 14, 2012, the Office of Consumer Information and Insurance Oversight, a division within the HHS Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), released the final version of the Exchange approval Blueprint. The Blueprint process is designed to assure that Exchanges are approved for operation by January 1, 2013 so that they can begin offering coverage through QHPs on January 1, 2014.
Patient Migration Suggests Big Changes Await Rural Hospitals
by John Commins
September 12, 2012 (HealthLeaders Media) - Nearly half of Tennesseans living in rural areas who seek healthcare drive past the hospitals closest to their homes to look for care in more urban settings, even when their local hospitals offer the same services, a study shows.
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