Grants Technical Assistance Online: A One-Stop-Shop for Applicants
August 2, 2012 ( > Online Library > News) - Calling all grant applicants!
The Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) announces the launch of a new online technical assistance resource on The section contains webinars, application and submission guidance, as well as tips for writing successful proposals.
A large part of HRSA’s mission to increase access to health care is accomplished by awarding grants and cooperative agreements.
CMS Issues Final Inpatient Payment Rule Final Rule Increases Payments to Hospitals, Strengthens Link to Quality Care
August 1, 2012 (CMS Press Release) - The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) today issued a final rule that updates fiscal year (FY) 2013 Medicare payment policies and rates for inpatient stays at general acute care and long-term care hospitals (LTCHs), and builds on the Obama Administration’s work to slow growth in future health care costs by improving patient care.
The final rule also implements key elements of the Affordable Care Act’s hospital value-based purchasing and hospital readmissions reduction programs. The rule advances Administration efforts to tie Medicare payments to quality health care across the delivery system, with new quality reporting measures for general acute care hospitals in FY 2015 and FY 2016; new measures for long-term care hospitals in FY 2016, and new quality reporting programs for psychiatric hospitals and cancer hospitals. In addition, the rule establishes new reporting and other requirements for the Ambulatory Surgical Center Quality Reporting (ASCQR) Program.
Making Federal Resources More Accessible for Rural Communities
by Doug McKalip
July 30, 2012 (White House Rural Council) - Federal agencies often get requests from local governments and organizations—especially those in rural America—to make information about available grants and resources easier to access and understand. The HUD-DOT-EPA Partnership for Sustainable Communitiesand USDA have just released a publication that does that. Federal Resources for Sustainable Rural Communities is a guide to programs from the four agencies that rural communities can use to promote economic competitiveness, protect healthy environments, and enhance quality of life. It provides key information on funding and technical assistance opportunities as well as examples of how rural communities across the country have put these programs into action to achieve their goals. With this menu of options, local leaders can more easily identify federal resources that support community planning, cost-effective infrastructure, economic development, brownfields revitalization, and other activities that are part of achieving sustainable communities. They can also see program eligibility and matching requirements at a glance.
HHS Launches $200M APRN Training Demo
by Margaret Dick Tocknell
July 31, 2012 (HealthLeaders Media) - Five hospitals will share as estimated $200 million in federal funding to help train additional advanced practice registered nurses (APRN) the Department of Health and Human Services announced on Monday.
HHS grants to help veterans get jobs as physician assistants
August 2, 2012 (HHS News Release) - Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Kathleen Sebelius today announced $2.3 million in grants to train primary care physician assistants (PAs) and help veterans transition from the military to civilian PA careers when they return home.
Skills, Wages and Rural America
by Bill Bishop
August 1, 2012 (The Daily Yonder) - Rural residents on average have lower incomes than those employed in the cities. Three economists have figured out why — at least in part.
The economists, working through the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, conclude that the occupations found in rural areas require fewer skills than those found in the cities.
Obama Administration Announces $9 Million Investment in Rural Communities to Foster Job Creation and Innovation Winners of the Rural Jobs and Innovation Accelerator Challenge Will Strengthen Regional Industry Clusters and Rural Economies Across 12 States
August 1, 2012 (USDA News Release) - The Obama Administration today announced the winners of the multi-agency Rural Jobs and Innovation Accelerator Challenge to spur job creation and economic growth in rural regions across the country.
Economic development partnerships and initiatives in Alaska, Arkansas, Connecticut, Illinois, Kansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, New Hampshire, North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia and West Virginia will receive awards ranging from nearly $200,000 to over $1 million from the U.S. Department of Commerce's Economic Development Administration (EDA), the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), the Delta Regional Authority (DRA) and the Appalachian Regional Commission (ARC). The winning projects will promote job creation, accelerate innovation and provide assistance to entrepreneurs and businesses in a wide range of industrial sectors, including advanced manufacturing, agribusiness, energy and natural resources, technology and tourism.
Hospital CEO: Court ruling puts rural residents at disadvantage
July 31, 2012 (Hannibal Courier-Post) - A Missouri Supreme Court ruling on Tuesday will put rural residents at a disadvantage when it comes to securing health care close to their home, according to Lynn Olson, president and CEO for Hannibal Regional Hospital.
“It really hurts Missourians,” he said. “Access to care in rural areas is already tough. Seniors and other people that can’t travel long distances, or it would be difficult to travel long distances, would be put at a further disadvantage and that is to me not the right policy for Missouri.”
By a 4-3 decision Tuesday, the high court said the 2005 “tort reform” law violated the right to a jury trial by capping noneconomic damages in medical malpractice cases at $350,000. The limit had applied to lawsuits alleging health care providers were at fault for injuries or deaths.
HHS: Hospitals ignoring requirements to report errors
by Kelly Kennedy
July 23, 2012 (USA Today) - Hospitals are ignoring state regulations that require them to report cases in which medical care harmed a patient, making it almost impossible for health care providers to identify and fix preventable problems, a report to be released today by the Department of Health and Human Services inspector general shows.
U.S. Officials Brace for Huge Task of Operating Health Exchanges
by Robert Pear
August 4, 2012 (The New York Times) - Obama administration officials are getting ready to set up and operate new health insurance markets in about half the states, where local officials appear unwilling or unable to do so.
The markets, known as exchanges, are a centerpiece of President Obama’s health care law, and running them will be a herculean task that federal officials never expected to perform. When Congress passed legislation to expand coverage two years ago, Mr. Obama and lawmakers assumed that every state would set up its own exchange, a place where people could shop for insurance and get subsidies to help defray the cost.
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